Hey! Welcome to my digital portfolio.

Here you can find some projects I’ve developed over the years, as well as a bit about my skills and my academic and professional journeys.

About Me

Who am I?

Hello, my name is João Víctor. I’m interested in research and innovation! I have experience in quantitative and qualitative research, navigating across different fields of knowledge, such as Exact Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics), Programming, Education (and Special Education), and User Experience.

I’m always studying and learning new things, such as my recent Cloud Digital Leader certification (Google), and I strive to stay updated in the areas where I have greater expertise, such as research and development, diversity and inclusion, digital accessibility, assistive technologies, and user experience research, as well as data analysis and science.

Recently, I’ve been focusing on enhancing my skills in research, cloud computing, and data science using SQL (PostgreSQL), BI (Microsoft Power BI), R, and Python – emphasizing data visualization, statistical analysis, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI).

Feel free to contact me.

Data Analyst/Scientist

User Experience Researcher - UXR

Digital Accessibility Analyst

Researcher and Educator


My main skills are

SQL | Python | R | BI

Data cleaning, visualization, and statistical analysis

UX Research

Quantitative and qualitative UXR methods

Product Analytics

How to identify and analyze key digital product metrics

Diversity and Inclusion

Technical and legal knowledge about accessibility and inclusion

Teaching and Research

Presenting skills and technical and scientific clear reports

Web Development and Programming

Programming languages: C, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Professional Work

Most recent professional works

Filter Projects
Assistive technology patent as first author published in 5 different locations (US, CN, EP, JP and BR).
Responsible for the didactic localization of Duolingo's mathematics content in Portuguese.
Development of Proto-Personas using clustering techniques with census data.
Leadership of the UXR team, applying quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Responsible for monitoring product metrics, such as NPS, and Dashboards.
Academic and Personal Work

Most recent academic and personal works

Filter Projects
Analysis in university-level projects in which I participated, assisting with data analysis and visualization.
Analysis and visualizations made in Undergraduate Research with application and validation of Likert-type Survey.
Various data processing, analysis and visualization projects in BI, SQL, R and Python.
University-level projects in electronics and robotics.
Personal and academic projects of web pages developed using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
University-level videos on converting documents into accessible formats and an interpretation of music in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).
Work Experience

My work experience

  • Provide localization and accessibility support for the Math course in the Duolingo app in Portuguese
  • Contribute to the development of a glossary based on the original content and Duolingo style guides
  • Consult team members to align on key pedagogical approaches that should be captured in translation
  • Conduct QA and LQA

  • Creation, maintenance and responsibility for Dashboards and Trackers created for internal teams and projects management
  • Creation and standardization of new Dashboard and Tracker models for broad use by internal teams
  • Advanced use of Google Sheets and Apps Script in the activities developed

  • Use of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in UX Research
  • Responsible for the use and organization of Dashboards of the main product data and metrics
  • Conducting interviews and usability tests

  • Research project to improve digital accessibility using agile methodologies
  • Cross-team collaboration – UX, development, AI, and QA
  • Using Sign Language in workspace and user interviewing
  • User Experience (UX) team leader
  • Proto-personas construction based on Brazilian census data about the deaf population, using machine learning and clustering methods for this purpose
  • Member of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives at FIPT and Lenovo

  • Statistical, historical and documentary analysis of Brazilian census data and deaf population
  • Academic research in scientific and documentary literature about deafness and sign language
  • Analysis of accessibility from academic, scientific and social media productions

Research project entitled: "Application of a math anxiety scale in deaf students in the state of São Paulo".

  • Research on math anxiety in deaf students
  • Responsible for collecting, cleaning and statistical analysis of research data
  • Presentation of research findings at academic events and conferences
  • Accessible survey design and interview application
  • Statistical validation of the survey used in research collection

I was a scholarship holder in the teaching and research project titled "Introduction to programming lab for elementary school students".
In this project, I was able to teach programming and robotics to students in the final years of elementary school in public schools.
The main activities developed were: instructional resource selection, planning the class schedule, teaching "visual programming" languages (Code.org and Scratch) and programming with Arduino.
I was able to develop teamwork, didactic, and presentation skills.

I was a scholarship holder in the teaching and research project titled "Planning differentiated activities on information processing in public schools".
In this project, I was able to delve into how the field of information processing was taught in public schools and, from there, prepare materials and discussions to be brought into the classroom for students in the final years of elementary school and high school.
I was able to develop research skills, teamwork, report development, teaching materials preparation, didactics, and presentation skills.


My degrees and certifications

Academic Master's Researcher of a project entitled "Reflections and Possibilities on the Quantification of Signing Deaf Individuals in Brazilian Census Surveys". CNPq Scholarship.

  • Statistical, historical and documentary analysis of Brazilian census data on the deaf population
  • Academic research in scientific and documentary literature on deafness and sign languages
  • Analysis of academic, scientific and social media productions on accessibility content

I studied and developed academic materials on the themes:

  • Conceptions about Disability
  • Policy in Special Education
  • Stigma and Social Identity of the Person with Disability
In addition, I participated in events (national and international) and disciplines related to inclusion and accessibility; social, racial and cultural diversity in the sciences; and studies on neurosciences applied to inclusion and accessibility.

I improved my knowledge in Programming, Digital logic, Eletronics e Object-oriented Programming.
I developed several codes in the C Language for language study purposes.
Some of my code are at this Github repository.

During my undergraduate studies, I had my first contact with the areas of research, computing and accessibility. I was also able to develop my teaching skills, presentation skills and report writing over the years.
Throughout the course, I participated in scholarships, volunteer work and teaching internships in various subjects, such as programming and robotics, including for students in special education.
I participated in several study and research groups, represented undergraduate students, developed academic research and interned in schools that follow the bilingual model for the deaf (Libras | Portuguese).
I developed my skills in various programming languages ​​and in the areas of gamification and accessibility in games.

Over the last years, I have completed numerous courses and certifications, from User Experience to Statistical Programming.
Some of my main certifications are

  • Data Analyst Associate (SQL), at DataCamp
  • Some certifications (R, Python, SQL, Power BI e Cloud), at DataCamp
  • Product Analytics, at Pendo
  • Cloud Digital Leader, at Google
  • User Experience (UX) Design, at Google
  • UX / UI: Fundamentos para o design de interface, at USP
  • Intensivo em UX Design, at Mergo
Other smaller certifications, but equally important to me, you can find at my Linkedin page.